National Science Centre, Poland: Grant № 2016/23/N/ST2/00729
Principal Investigator: Arkadiusz Jędrzejewski

Out of Equlibrium Critical Phenomena on Complex Networks

The vast majority of phenomena in the world around us remain out of equilibrium. This applies to systems where natural processes occur, like chemical reactions, epidemic spreading, or intraspecific competitions, as well as systems with processes driven by humans and certain legal, cultural, or social regulations, among which we can list exchange quotations, traffic flows, or diffusion of innovations. In general, all processes in which a macroscopic flow of a certain quantity appears are considered to be out of equilibrium. Although such phenomena show up so commonly, they are poorly understood since their description lies beyond classical thermodynamics. This research aims to deepen our knowledge in this area by studying simple models of opinion dynamics.

Despite a rich variety of phase transitions, there are only two types of them according to the modern classification - continuous, often called critical, and discontinuous. The former are particularly interesting due to power laws which emerge at critical points and consequently scale-invariant phenomena. In equilibrium, the nature of these transitions depends primarily on the dimensionality of space and the order parameter. All other features of the system, such as its microscopic structure, become in some sense irrelevant. This amazing property of critical phenomena is called universality. Thanks to the universality, we can divide all phase transitions into several classes so that near a critical point, models within one group exhibit the same macroscopic behaviour. Unfortunately, it is more difficult to classify non-equilibrium phase transitions since they may contain additional degrees of freedom. We hope to identify details of the models that affect this universal behaviour.

Traditionally, phase transitions and critical phenomena have been analysed on regular lattices. However, these simple structures cannot fully capture the complexity of many real world systems, and this is where complex networks come into play. Complex networks may represent a wide variety of systems - from power grids and transportation frameworks, through metabolic chains and biological dependencies, to the Internet and social structures. We plan to analyse their influence on the models.

The research aim is to identify details of non-equilibrium models that impact the critical behavior of a system. In particular, the project addresses the following questions:

  • What are the features of complex networks that influence the behavior of models remaining out of equilibrium?
  • How do quenched and annealed disorders impact non-equilibrium phase transitions and universal properties of a system?
  • Does the direction of information flow matter in non-equilibrium models?
  • How robust are universality classes to structural and updating scheme modifications?

Research Team

Arkadiusz Jędrzejewski

Arkadiusz Jędrzejewski

Principal Investigator

Department of Theoretical Physics
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Wrocław | Poland

Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron

Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron

Scientific Supervisor

Department of Theoretical Physics
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Wrocław | Poland


  1. Pair approximation for the q-voter models with quenched disorder on networks

    A. Jędrzejewski, K. Sznajd-Weron

    Phys. Rev. E 105 (6), 064306




  2. Spontaneous symmetry breaking of active phase in coevolving nonlinear voter model

    A. Jędrzejewski, J. Toruniewska, K. Suchecki, O. Zaikin, J. A. Hołyst

    Phys. Rev. E 102 (4), 042313




  3. Competing local and global interactions in social dynamics: how important is the friendship network?

    A. Jędrzejewski, B. Nowak, A. Abramiuk, K. Sznajd-Weron

    Chaos 30, 073105




  4. Nonlinear q-voter model from the quenched perspective

    A. Jędrzejewski, K. Sznajd-Weron

    Chaos 30, 013150




  5. Statistical Physics Of Opinion Formation: is it a SPOOF?

    A. Jędrzejewski, K. Sznajd-Weron

    Comptes Rendus Physique 20, 244-261




  6. Think then act or act then think?

    A. Jędrzejewski,G. Marcjasz, P. R. Nail, K. Sznajd-Weron

    PLOS ONE 13 (11), e0206166




  7. Impact of memory on opinion dynamics

    A. Jędrzejewski, K. Sznajd-Weron

    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 505, 306-315




  8. Person-Situation Debate Revisited: Phase Transitions with Quenched and Annealed Disorders

    A. Jędrzejewski, K. Sznajd-Weron

    Entropy 19 (8), 415



  9. Kinetic Ising models with various single-spin flip dynamics on quenched and annealed random regular graphs

    A. Jędrzejewski, A. Chmiel, K. Sznajd-Weron

    Physical Review E 96 (1), 012132




Dissemination of results

  1. Conference on Complex Systems CCS 2020

    talk | EN

    Phase transitions in systems with quenched and annealed randomness: Nonlinear q-voter model analysis

    4-11 XII 2020


  2. 33rd Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics: Brownian motion and active matter

    talk | EN

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking of active phase in coevolving nonlinear voter model

    3-4 XII 2020

    Kraków, Poland (online)

  3. 9th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications

    Program Committee Member

    talk | EN

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking of active phase in coevolving nonlinear voter model

    1-3 XII 2020

    Madrid, Spain (online)

  4. 8th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications

    talk | EN

    Competing local and global interactions in social dynamics: how important is the friendship network?

    10-12 XII 2019

    Lisbon, Portugal

  5. 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications

    Program Committee Member

    poster | EN

    Opinion Spreading on Complex Networks with Local and Global Interactions

    1st Poster Prize

    11-13 XII 2018

    Cambridge, United Kingdom

  6. Conference on Complex Systems CSS 2018

    talk | EN

    Opinion Spreading on Complex Networks with Local and Global Interactions

    23-28 IX 2018

    Thessaloniki, Greece

  7. V Mediterranean School of Complex Networks

    talk | EN

    Phase transitions with quenched and annealed disorders

    1-8 IX 2018

    Salina, Italy

  8. International school on Computational Social Science and Complex Systems

    poster | EN

    Pair approximation for the q-voter model with independence on complex networks

    15-21 VII 2018

    Varenna, Italy

  9. VIII Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems GEFENOL

    short talk + poster | EN

    Pair approximation for the q-voter model with independence on complex networks

    2-13 VII 2018

    Palma de Mallorca, Spain

  10. Symposium of Interdisciplinary Physics in Economic and Social Sciences SFINKS

    talk | PL

    Wpływ nieporządku na przemiany fazowe w modelu q-wyborcy

    2st PhD Talk Prize

    28-29 VI 2018

    Warszawa, Poland

  11. Transversal Problems in Complexity

    talk | EN

    Impact of memory on opinion dynamics

    23-25 V 2018

    Cergy-Pontoise, France

  12. 43rd Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics MECO

    poster | EN

    Pair approximation for the q-voter model with independence on complex networks

    3rd Poster Prize

    poster | EN

    Think then act or act then think?

    1-4 V 2018

    Kraków, Poland

  13. DPG Spring Meeting 2018

    talk | EN

    Pair approximation for the q-voter model with independence on complex networks

    11-16 III 2018

    Berlin, Germany

  14. 54th Winter Schools of Theoretical Physics: Simplicity of Complexity in Economic and Social Systems

    short talk + poster | EN

    Pair approximation for the q-voter model with independence on complex networks

    2st Poster Presentation Prize

    18-24 II 2018

    Lądek Zdrój, Poland

  15. Seminar of NABLA science club at Wrocław University of Science and Technology

    seminar | PL

    Metody średniopolowe w modelowaniu dynamiki opinii na przykładzie modelu q-wyborcy

    08 XII 2017

    Wrocław, Poland

  16. Seminar at the Faculty of Physics at Warsaw University of Technology

    seminar | PL

    Wpływ topologii sieci złożonych na przemiany fazowe w modelu q-wyborcy

    16 XI 2017

    Warsaw, Poland

  17. 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications

    poster | EN

    Pair approximation for the q-voter model with independence on complex networks

    29 XI-1 XII 2017

    Lyon, France

  18. II Polish Student Conference FOKA 2017

    invited talk | PL

    Wpływ topologii sieci złożonych na przemiany fazowe w modelu q-wyborcy

    poster | EN

    Pair approximation for the q-voter model with independence on complex networks

    10-15 IX 2017

    Szklarska Poręba, Poland

  19. 44. Congress of Polish Physicists

    poster | EN

    Kinetic Ising models with various single-spin flip dynamics on quenched and annealed random regular graphs

    10-15 IX 2017

    Wrocław, Poland